Organ Grinding

Friday’s Today programme featured an interview where Chris Grayling lost it while he was talking to Evan Davies about the Work Experience programme. Leaving aside arguments about the programme itself, wouldn’t it make more sense for Iain Duncan Smith to do the interview? He is the Secretary of State for work & pensions and Chris… Continue reading Organ Grinding

Well Unfare Part II

The latest company to pull out of the “voluntary” Work Experience programme is Burger King UK. I suppose it’s tempting to say that when a fast food company decides a scheme is a mistake then it must be really bad. However, although burger bars tend to have a reputation for quite a high staff turnover,… Continue reading Well Unfare Part II

Well Unfare

The semi-voluntary Work Experience programme has been in the news this week, along with bonkers Tories like Iain Duncan Smith calling people names like “job snobs” if they criticise it. What kind of jobs has he had then? According to his profile on the Guardian he was an officer in the army and then went… Continue reading Well Unfare

Starting Off

Thought I’d relaunch this blog for a longer version of some of the political ideas I mention on Twitter. Aeons ago I briefly used it for blogging my combat sports training but no one read it. So, what to expect then? I’m politically left of centre and not keen on any of the main political… Continue reading Starting Off

Not dead yet!

These days I spend so much more time on Facebook and Twitter that I know I haven’t updated here for months. I’ve been trying to write about the odious public sector “reforms” but I only get so far before I get bored and stop. If I did get into political blogging I wonder if Blogspot… Continue reading Not dead yet!

Past Present

People following my Facebook feed may have noticed that I did quite a big presentation for work this week. I work for a large and pretty well known telecoms company. Like most big corporates it does a lot of things and has quite a few programmes to stop staff getting too bored. One of these… Continue reading Past Present

Lookalikes #notw

With the News of the World hacking scandal getting even more interesting I noticed the similarities between this pair of rogues. One is a puppet who acts on the direct orders of a shadowy boss whose only interest is power, and the other is a character in a Harry Potter film.