Getting Started

So, this site now has WordPress installed. I have a few different blogs, on Live Journal, Blogger and, but I want to consolidate them on a site that I own. or domains don’t come up very often so I grabbed mine before it got nicked by a cybersquatter company. I know personal… Continue reading Getting Started


Still here, but mostly in read only mode. Did we all have a good Christmas then?

Life & stuff

So, how are we all doing? I know updates here have been pretty non-existent this year, but I’m pretty active elsewhere, and the longer you leave it, the harder it gets (fnarr). Probably safe to say the last 18 months or so haven’t been the easiest for me but I want to get things back… Continue reading Life & stuff

Hold the press

Safe to say all is not well with the regional press. The Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post are to share an editor, and a number of dailies such as the Halifax Evening Courier and the ones in Kettering and Northampton will change to weeklies. Once you cut through the nonsense about things like “digital… Continue reading Hold the press

Mayors and Night Mayors

Apparently Greg Clark, Minister for Cities, reckons elected mayors will have more powers than some cabinet ministers. Er, which cabinet ministers? Meanwhile, here in Leeds we have a referendum on the 3rd of May on whether we should have an elected mayor. I can hardly wait either. The question will be: How would you like… Continue reading Mayors and Night Mayors

On abortion and burning bushes

The joys of starting a new job and being busy. Anyway, lots going on, including the Doonesbury strip covering the ludicrous Texan law that says women wanting an abortion must have an transvaginal ultrasound scan. Not for any sound medical reason but to intimidate vulnerable women to try to persuade them not to go through… Continue reading On abortion and burning bushes

Cardinal Behaviour

Someone who’s been in the news over the last few days is Cardinal Keith O’Brien with his comments about gay marriage, claiming that it’s an “aberration” and playing the “what about the children?” card. I suppose I don’t need to mention that if a gay couple decide to have children then they have to make… Continue reading Cardinal Behaviour


The Channel 4 News had an interesting interview with Chris Grayling a couple of days ago where he insisted that the Work Experience scheme was optional despite being presented with a letter suggesting the contrary. There’s a copy of a similar letter with a bit of analysis here. Let’s take a charitable view and assume… Continue reading Untitled